How to manage digital natives

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How to manage digital natives  


Multi-identity, multi-cultural, multi-channel, transnational, ultra-connected… all attributes defining generation Z, otherwise dubbed «digital natives», a generation that’s slowly but surely changing the management rules, already shaken up by the previous “Y” generation. The appetite these generations have for digital technologies has opened up new ways and means that benefit everyone, creating greater freedom in how they organise their work, greater flexibility in how they manage their time and a better work-life balance. But we need to be careful about where excessive use of such digital technologies can lead! It’s strongly recommended to regulate the use of technologies, by an IT policy and a right or an obligation to disconnect, and govern new working methods (tele-working, home office, co-working, …) and the use of personal equipment in a work environment (BYOD, Bring your own device).
So we need to look at all the advantages offered by digital technologies in organising our practice and managing our staff, while avoiding the downside!      

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